
Hauer GmbH
An der Raumfabrik 31A
DE-76227 Karlsruhe

Telephone: +49 (0)721 94 795 0 
Telefax: +49 (0)721 94 795 55 


Managing Director: 
Petra Leonhardt

Company’s registered office: Karlsruhe

Mannheim District Court• HRB 107880

VAT ID No. DE188932088

Legal notice

Hauer GmbH continuously inspects and updates the information on its websites. Hauer GmbH accepts no liability or guarantee for the updated status, correctness or completeness of information provided. The same applies to all other websites referred to via hyperlink. Hauer GmbH is not responsible for the contents of websites reached as a result of such link. Hauer GmbH also reserves the right to amend or supplement information provided. 

The content and structure of the websites of Hauer GmbH are protected by copyright. Copying of information or data, especially the use of texts, text parts or image material requires prior written approval from Hauer GmbH. 

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Bildnummer: 15093137 / Fotograf: Sarah Holmlund © 
Lupe: © hankimage9; Fotolia 
IPhone: © "Iphone 6s Perspective Mockup"; Colorlib 
Avatare: © Sarah Holmlund; 123RF - © Scott Betts; 123RF